Walking and hitting my MAF range, should I keep walking or walk/run?

by Kay

I am 44 years old, so my MAF HR range is 126-136.
However, my aerobic base seems to be very weak. I live in Taiwan and started MAF about a month ago. It is really hot and humid in Taiwan in summer (around 32 degrees celcius in the evening).
I started my 15 mins warm up with some leisure walk (HR hitting around 110 at the beginning) in a running track and continue with power walking. By keeping power walking, I can even hit the higher or even reaching around 140HR. Should I keep walking or mix with super slow walk + some slow run to train my MAF HR zone?

Nicole's reply:
Hi Kay
Thanks for your question. Running in the heat is definitely going to affect your heart rate so I can see how easily your heart rate can climb, even with power walking.

You are doing the right thing by starting with a 15 minute warm up. After that, if you can run but also keep below your top MAF HR, then I would choose that over just walking. When you are a couple of beats away from hitting 136, slow down to a walk to allow your HR to recover. Then gradually build up to a gentle run again.

Since you are only 1 month into your MAF journey, you may will find that there will be a lot more walking than running but with time and as the heat reduces, you will find that you can run more and walk less. Good luck!

Comments for Walking and hitting my MAF range, should I keep walking or walk/run?

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Jul 11, 2021
by: Kay

Thanks for replying. So, for the moment as I can reach my MAF max and sometimes even over my MAF max, I will keep power walking until I see some improvement in my MAF test. My aerobic is so weak that walking fast will get my HR up so fast. This is a bit frustrating.

Dec 04, 2021
Also MAF in tw
by: Bree

I started MAF in June. Tw heart is a bear. I hope you didn't give up. I'm 45 and now that it has cooled, I'm able to actually jog and not just shuffle along with the grannies on the track. It really has been a game changer for my health.
Good luck.

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